1. Can you access Xero Online ?
Ans. Xero can be used anywhere
2. Can I import and export data into Xero?
Ans. Yes, Xero accounting software allows that. Either do it yourself following our step-by-step guide, or use a data migration service.
3. Which Xero plan is right for me?
Ans.This depends on the business requirements. If the business deals with multiple currencies, the premium subscription is advisable. If the business has fewer transactions, the standard plan is ideal.
4. How do I cancel Xero if I decide it isn’t right for me?
Ans. You can cancel your subscription or remove any add-on from your plan at any time by giving one month’s notice from within your Xero account. You’ll still need to pay all relevant subscription fees up to and including the day of termination. You can also cancel a free trial at any time from within your Xero account.
5. Can customers pay me through Xero?
Ans. Yes. With payment services like Stripe, customers can pay you directly. You can include a ‘Pay now’ button in your online invoices to get paid even faster.