Kim Shelar
Founder, MIE MIND
Harnessing Energy - Nurturing Body, Mind, and Soul
Join us on a transformative journey with Kim Shelar, the visionary founder of MIE MIND, as she delves into the profound impact of energy in our lives. In this captivating podcast series, Kim explores the fundamental concept that energy is everything, and reveals how we can harness its power to create a life of fulfillment and purpose.
Kim Shelar
Join us on a transformative journey with Kim Shelar, the visionary founder of MIE MIND, as she delves into the profound impact of energy in our lives. In this captivating podcast series, Kim explores the fundamental concept that energy is everything, and reveals how we can harness its power to create a life of fulfillment and purpose. Through insightful conversations and practical advice, Kim sheds light on the interconnectedness of our physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. From the subtle vibrations of our thoughts to the vitality of our bodies, Kim guides us towards understanding and optimizing the energy within and around us.


Hello, everyone. Today with me, Kim Shelar, founder of MIE MINDS Consulting is joining on podcast. Kim is a personal coach. I leave to her to introduce herself.


That's the most easiest way for an introduction. Well Shafeekh, thank you very much for having me on your podcast. My name is Kim Shelar and I am the founder of MIE MIND, which actually is MIE MINDS, which stands for My Infinite Energy. The entire background is that energy is everything. And in that capacity, how can we make the best of it?

How can we tap into our infinite ability? I've done a lot of work with people, with corporates, with schools, and my entire life goal or my sole goal, so to say, is to teach the world how to meditate and how to tap into your energy. So thank you. 


Yeah, I think you're talking about energy healing sessions. What? What is it?


Absolutely. People, when we think of healing we only think about when things are going really bad, and you need to heal. But no, healing is like saying you go to sleep. Healing is like saying I ll drink, you know, cleaner water. Healing is like saying I'll drink better food or be a bit less stressed. Healing is a part of the way you live Where you consciously saying that can I be better or can I do something better? Or can the environment be better? Just asking that question is there a better way? Now, when you tap into energy healing, it's a modality that says that if everything is energy, right because that is a fact. We don't know to what the limit of it, but everything is energy, Then what are the blocks at an energy level that one can remove So you can actually live your best life. You can actually take your mind to places that you've never thought before. Today, everyone looks up to an Elon Musk or Richard Branson. It's not that they have different accesses to the world, it's their first access is your mind capacity is their consciousness that they're bringing their consciousness to a frequency where they can see things the same things that you and I see that we don't perceive it in the way they're perceiving it, and that's what makes them the people that they are. 

So all of that comes from a sense of energy because when you tap into energy, you can raise your consciousness to a level that puts you, stand you apart from everybody else around you, all from the versions of yourself at a certain time and stage in your life.


Okay. It's pretty interesting that I think most of the people need it. It actually helps you to elevate to a certain level. And mostly founders like us, I think anybody could benefit from this, Right? So you do mostly. Yeah.


To your point, you know, founders, entrepreneurs, parents, any adult, if you've not touched into energy, I can tell you on this recording, you have not even understood your capacity, you have not understood the capacity of your body, your mind, your soul, your business, your wisdom, nothing. Because when we look at goal setting, when we look at business growth, if you've not touched into energy, you're just going to say, I'm here, I want to go here and you're basing that based on what other people are doing or what is your understanding of what is the next level? But the minute you touch into consciousness, you touch into energy, you unblock yourself the capacity that you can get to because your soul begins to show you that, your energy begins to show that, the universe begins to show you that just takes you from here to like here you'll you just change genres, right. And then all you have to do is get up every day and say, okay, from this level to here, what are the steps that I need to take to take that line? It's never easy, but it's worth the work.


 Okay. I think one of the things you guys wake up at 4:30 and start the day.


 I was never… you remember we chatted.. I was never a morning person. Our common friends still be, my love would be like, “I am a 5 a.m person” I am like, “babe, I'll see you 5 p.m.. I'm okay. Don't ask me 5 a.m. And there was this one time and I was sharing that with you as well, that we were supposed to meet in the evening and I canceled because of something that came up and I'm typing to her saying, See you 5: 30 at the beach. And I am like, Have you lost it, Kim. You're not going to get up. And I'm like, You know what I have decided I am going to go. And that was the best gift ever to myself because Shafeekh when you wake up earlier than everybody else, you can give yourself a good one and a half two hours to your body, mind and soul. Then when you start your day, you're not chasing time.

People forget that. And people equals me because I used to be somebody to get up. They go. I run my own business. I can get up at seven, I can get up ten. That's stupidity. You're not taking… you're taking your business and your abilities for granted. And I accept that. That is gross stupidity. I've been there, done that, and then your numbers will show you exactly the reflection of it when you get up early and it can be four, five, six, whatever it is, and give yourself the 2 hours to take care of your body, take care of your mind, to care of your soul. Have a little chilled your coffee and not just on the rush, rush, rush, because that is when energy flows.

That is when ideas flow. That is when you're sitting with the question like, you know, how do I make this happen? It flows and then it doesn't flow in when you're sitting and, you know, just going crazy on your laptop. It flows when you have the time to receive it. Second thing is when people get up late and you're like really rushing so many people, depending on where you're working and what time zone you're working, they want to connect with you and then your mind does not have that space to align in body, mind, soul.

 So again, then energy is notable to help you, even though there is this entire universe of brilliance that is sitting just to support us. So that is why I would suggest anybody listening because do not apply the implicit, okay, become a seven person, then become a six for people within, become a 6:15 person, then become a six person.

And then you will realize that that really adds so much of value to your life because you're done with yourself-care. You're like in this full power mode before the world is woken up and then you start sending people emails and follow ups and no one's chasing you. You're not chasing time. Because like we were talking the other day of weakness, the biggest indicator as a business, as a person in corporate is your time management.

 If you are chasing time or if your calendar is so full that you don't have time for creativity, that is an indicator that you are either going to fail if you're chasing time or you are always going to be struggling. You want to move. I mean, anybody would want to move themselves into a time optimization zone that your calendar is set.

 You know what's happening next. You have your time for your body, mind and soul. You have your time for your joy activities. You have your time to chit chat with friends. That is, again, those spaces where creativity flows with that energy exchange creates creative ideas, creates solutions, which otherwise does not happen when you are just running behind, you know, meeting after meeting after meeting after meeting.


 Yes. Yes. I think it's it's very much happens to most of the people right there. That to me, that's the case. I chase the day. I wake up and to the meetings and I'm trying to change this. And it's after I speak to you. It's changing, actually. So it's it's actually based on I'm just, you know, making some changes that, you know, energy time in my schedules.

And I'm actually able to manage the time better, especially to when, you know, I just tested a bit bit of it last few days and then I know we were talking and then I got sick in between so I couldn't follow. I started actually yoga and stuff in the morning. Yeah.


 So absolutely, you know, coming to time of week, when I talk about time optimization, it's never about fitting a calendar. You know, if I can suggest to people listening or seeing this little chunk of your time, you know, chunking up time means that this is time for me. This is time for joy. This is times with family. These are the three times in the day that your time is broken up.

 One is spent, time lost, one third of your working hours. That is bringing your money in right now. What happens is a lot of times we're so fueled by our ideas of the future that this sort of thing billions and we put all energy into that that you don't have money to build those tomorrow. So your first one third part of your working hours should be about how do I bring money in my bank account tomorrow night, especially for entrepreneurs.

Your second half is about getting the work done. You've got your clients, so there's been so many people get lines, but then when it comes to servicing, the ball drops because they don't have time, they're not scheduled, they don't have the content ready. Second part of your that the one third the second hour of your time is service those clients.

And then your third part again, you break that up into creativity, whether it's research, whether it's networking, whether it is, you know, creating ideas for the future that brings you money after six months after one year, after five years or so. So when you do that, you're fueled by your dreams. You're also fueled by creating in the now, as well as you're fueled by the money energy because you're not feeling.

There are so many people that have great ideas but deep pockets, empty, you know, that is not to be because then you eventually reach a state that, you know, what does this really work? Am I passionate enough? And is my passion being me? And then that's why people go back to doubting themselves and not following their dreams. It's just that they didn't know how to handle that.

I do feel bring that in. People bring that in. And I'm sorry, I'm asking you, but I'm saying it's you as everybody. Then you have your money in your account, you have your clients that are always flowing it and you have your dreams that fueled the future. And that's a perfect place to be at. Sweet.

 Shafeekh: -

Awesome, awesome. Well, when you talk about money, then, you know, I think you were talking about money. You own all of this. I think mostly you work with with clients. Individuals. So how do you see that? You know, money affects one's personal life.

 Kim: -

 In every single way. We were speaking of weak that everybody has at least two wounds. One is an innate one. That is something that, you know, this picked up as children. It could be rejection, neglect. If you're not good enough, all those things happen and that's a different topic. But the second one that every single individual, even a child has is a money wound.

What does it mean that based on their family's conditioning, their culture, or a stage and phase in their lives, they have embedded a story about money. Right. That money is good. Money is bad. Money is less. If we don't have money Skyping or parents are stressed, somebody gets sick. So there's an entire story that not consciously somebody is putting into their brain.

They're not thinking about it. They're not having a conversation. But the subconscious is just receiving this information based on the emotional environment in somebody's lives right now. This can come from two instances, like I mentioned, air conditioning and things like this general environment of one's life. And second, it can be specific traumatic events, even if that event is for 5 minutes.

 Like if somebody has gone to.

 Shafeekh: -

Buy something that they don't have.


 Not not just that they're in the office and they suddenly lose their job or they suddenly lose. That is one traumatic event. That information gets stored by the subconscious. Now, what the subconscious does, your subconscious, your brain, the only agenda they have is to comfort you. You just want to say, okay, we find, we find, we find, we find it.

 So then it starts creating ways to comfort us without really healing us. That is why healing becomes a very conscious choice that you say, Okay, I see this pattern, let's go and fix. So then how the money would show up right there on four or five ways it shows up at a later stage. You start noticing that somebody has a money wound when they move out of that phase and then they go into they get more money.

But then the patterns are same based on the fees that they wouldn't. Let me give an example. So for example, overcompensation, what does overcompensation mean as a wound that I didn't have today? Now, I didn't have yesterday money, but today I have money. So I would just spend everything because that wound of not having is so ripe that now I want to fulfill that wound by just having everything that I don't need.

 All four of us do this. There was a time in my life where I was working in a bank and used to do so many hours when I got my what is that called bonus spend the whole amount saying I deserved it. It was so bad because in my mind I'm thinking I deserve this. I work so hard, I spend it. And it wasn't smart spending. It was stupid spending because that is a wound, right? The second kind of wound that shows up is survival mode that we're so used to chasing. You look at this many people, 89% of people are fueled by survival mode. I don't have anything that's just you just use it. And that's when we achieve.

 We're not most people are not fueled by their ankles, by their dreams, by their passion. We think we are, but they're actually fueled by survival mode that I don't have anything. I have to make this happen. Right. When you see your bills are planning rising up or this pressure coming in from the office of the boss, that's when we go chasing it.

We're not chasing it because it's on your wish list. So when the survival mode is is a wound that pops up, even when somebody has money, they will give it away. If you just give it away, that's all. I have to give it to this place. And I will give it all your they'll give it every day because they are only fueled by survival mode.

 I'll give you an example. Big, what is it called? Con Banega crorepati. For people who don't know, this is, you know, a game show back in India when there was this one gentleman that really did well at the highest he was on from a particular village back. And he's a teacher in India in this village. And he won.

 He did so well. I think it's 50crores or something. So that 5 million, 50 million, whatever is it. If you go back to the stories of he did not do anything with that money, he gave it to charity, he gave it to friends. He gave it everywhere. And he obviously his marriage got strained for the same reason because he owned the money survival mode working, intelligence working.

 But he doesn't know how to receive that money in his life. So eventually he got so much of money, but he lost it. And if you look at every other person that wins lottery tickets and these big winnings, they receive it, they spend it, and they're back to being beggars. And I don't mean beggars in a bad way, but that survival mode that I have to struggle and I have to work hard because that is my save a very large percentage of the money.

 Right. The other money awards are holding that. I have everything. All right. This is why, despite this, do you need all of that? Is it a need? It's like telling the subconscious, Oh, you didn't have it. And I'll give you a hundred of one thing, like a hundred thousand shoes, 20,000 bags. Do you really need it? All right, another money wound is the guilt.

 Like, you know, people suddenly don't spend. That's the opposite. Like I never had. I went through that phase. Now I would be a fool myself. So they don't spend at all, whether it's for their education, whether it's for their nutrition, whether it's for the children, they just don't open their purse. And then the last one is the delayed decision.

 So the money is there. You moveout of that phase and God bless you. But I don't wanna go towards and state. I just want to go. I just want to go. So that is how all that emotional stuff it's not it impacts the way we deal with money. Money isn't energy. At the end of the day, it's going to come.

 It's going to go. But how it goes, you can always choose. You can always choose how and where it goes. Your patterns do not need to decide how is that happening? It's not an automated reflex and the best way and coming to your team and your company is to put pen to paper. People are so scared to look at their paper and pen and their money they like I don't want to see I don't want to see.

 I don't want to see. And that is your plus sign. You have a money wound because the minute you put pen to paper like all mad, like when she hops and who my personal expense and I'm like, damn, I'm a spoiled brat. I wrote that doing it like I'm such a spoiled brat. Like, why do you need so many face creams?

 They will be fine. Control me ,please. You guys take over and control me. I control my habits. So then that brings in a little bit of consciousness, right? And that's the first way to start that. The physical level, the conscious level saying, I know I have a problem. Can somebody who is whose approach had this mentor me and take care of this while I go inside and heal the deeper stuff?


Yes. So I think mostly what happens is that, you know, even like including me or any individual already, any business owners, they take finances, not very subject, but their but this is an essential skill, a basic essential skill any person or any founder should have when they start running a company. Because you and accounting plays very important part doesn't matter how you account it.

You write it in a diary or, you know, write to do some applications to track it, or you use some accountants to track and give you a statistics of what's happening. You know, bear with the money has gone where you have spent it. So if you get most of the time, you know, they keep spending the the banks are cashed.




 And they finally like, you know, I have nothing, you know, no, no, no. What to do.


Yeah, yeah. Because they like being in survival mode. Like for me, my money wound was over compensation that if I didn't have yesterday and I have today, I have to buy what I wanted yesterday. The question is, do I need it today? What is the percentage I should be spending or whatever? And like and I respect my own hard work.

It's a question you have to ask yourself and to your point, saying that, you know, every sound or not even sound, I think, you know, every adult needs to know how to look at your numbers because the minute we see a review, a lot of time people are triggered by that's why I want what I want. It serves you in benefit to you.

 If you can get into a habit of reviewing your the way you speak, the way you show up, the way your relationships are, the way you spend it is always serving you in your own excellence. It's not about, you know, judgment. And that, again, is is an indicator that there is a money. One, if somebody doesn't want to put pen to paper, they don't want to talk about money.

 But someone who will write that.


 Okay, it's also, you know, ends up down the line in a crisis. Say it to me. I always see money or wealth is not just lecture you or something. To me it means freedom. So I look at this perspective that, you know, having money or having wealth is just you have freedom to do whatever you want to do.

 The passion, you know, so, so how you plan, how you analyze your finance, how you manage it so important in your life that you don't have to wake up, you know, your day to make you know, to do to make money of today. 


That's the point that I want to touch on. You know, should be everybody. Freedom is a very high frequency and emotion to be at a fantastic place because that's the closest to to say I'm living a life as a soul with the embodiment of God, energy. However, the definition of freedom for everybody is different. Everyone thinks that, yes, freedom means I don't have to work.

 But guess what? Your real freedom is not that you don't have to work. You love what you do and you create that irrelevant your own freedom. Saying that I don't have to think about the bills or I don't have to think about the choices I make. The choices I make are not relevant on the price tag yet. I will see whether it's worth it.

It's price, right? So that is when it comes to one of the biggest rules that I follow is energy exchange. What is the exchange that you have for service, for your time, for your existence? And that's it. It's not about you have the money or not. When you look at if you study billionaire lifestyles, they have so much money, why would they charge a fee?

 Because it's not about the money, it's the energy. It's change for the billions they bring to the table, for the expertise they bring to the table. Right. So that is what people need to connect to freedom. Instead of saying, I don't want to work because again, I want to work is running away from your current work that you're doing, which is not the first sign of freedom.

 Freedom says, I will do what I love doing and I do it with so much of energy and passion and and that creates ripples and ripples of impact in the way we look at money as an exchange, but in a very limited way. You know, again, because we've all been conditioned to go to work, exchange your time for money.

 Yes. How about see, I want to go to a state of freedom where my time is not exchange for money, but my impact and my wisdom and what I bring to the table is exchange for money. Then it's not time. This video can become timeless and we can contribute. But I stop. You create something else that you created once and you use it to the rest of your life.

 That freedom of greed has to first come in the mindset, see, what does freedom mean for me? Not that I don't want to work, but I don't want to work consistently doing the same thing to get the same money. To exchange my time for money. I want the money and I want that balance of time and effort and then money.

 So the scales to go this way that I put this much, but it's so pure, it's so relevant, it's so important that I will get this much from these many amount of years. That is a freedom frequency.


Yes. And it's also very much in a lot of things are controllable when you when you understand your numbers, you can I had a lot of experiences related to this. When we actually do the accounting, you know, that aha moment comes, you know, you know, oh yeah, I'm purchasing lot of things, you know, not necessary.


 I know. Like you will see on my accounting.


But it's very common, a common thing that that impact, you know, you create when, then when you bring the numbers on table, it's it's a super 11 and also for anyone you know to look at this as you said, I think one of the main reasons I have seen that maybe I'm just realizing it there on Saturday, will more people spend, you know, erroneously even, you know, startups, for example, they get a lot of we see money and that they spend, you know, a lot of money, which is not necessary, which actually could be controlled or maybe, you know, could have been more disciplined.

 Sometimes, you know, when you have money flowing in, then you think you have to spend maybe more than what you get or equal to that. So but you never think of, you know, how to manage this money in a better way. And you know what? What I'm going to put savings, what I'm going to put it for a future, you know, for my personal, you know, what is my personal investments, right?


Actually. So I think that's giving point. You're saying should be because when people have money there, again, going in to buying a consumer mindset, I want, I want, I want, I want. And just like time optimization, there is money optimization because it's energy. And the biggest investment one can ever, ever make is themselves.


 It's a two is, as you mentioned ,it's two is a one. One dose to spend. The second is one I'm not going to spend in my life at all. Have people live.


Security surprised they will spend on things like food, on travel, on just random stuff because that is a personal thing. That that is good spending. That is a balancing that that is what spending this is about. Spending. But if you see the numbers like you, would you guys have your aha moment of like we are spending so much anyways you why don't you put it over your and solve the problem so the the idea that I'm driving is that when you look at money, when people look at their money, keep the emotional for a bit, go and resolve it, get the help, get the therapy.

 Let's look at it and again, seems chasing my booze. Is it managed well and is it optimized? And then you see that, okay, if I'm putting in this much, am I getting this much? If I'm putting in we pay for all these applications. Are we really using it? The ratio of your auto eye into anything you put shouldn't be like I paid $30.

 I should get $30. Yalla, I'm fine. No. Can I get ten times? Great, I'm getting ten. Can I get 30 times three? Now I'm going to get 100 times. That is the mindset. Doing it as an adult mainly as well as as an entrepreneur. Because if you're going and saying, I paid 30, I need to get 30, you're always going to be chasing your money always.


 Yes, yes. Yeah. So how do you like how do you suggest like, you know, people just do get better at it. Like, if if you know, somebody comes to you as a as for coaching or yeah.


 So when people come in to me for you know, bringing the better element of themselves, there's so many layers we start touching on their wounds. Money leakages because energy leakages, time leakages. Well, the first thing to do any time and you know this in being in finance, your first thing is closely then you sit and say, how do I optimize?

 And you before optimize, how do I manage? Then we move into optimization, right? So similarly, even if it's energy, even if it's people excellence, you see, where am I leakages? Where's my time going? Where's my energy going? Where's my energy getting drained into negativity, gossip and you know, absolute rubbish places we shut that us then move in to say now within the space, how do I manage myself better?

 What am I doing that I can get better at? And then we go into optimization. So coming to specifics of money management, the first thing, even money management, self management, any management of the first thoughts, put pen to paper, get that thing. Everyone is like, Oh, I have it in my head. No, your head is so plateaued and we've proved that time and again in neuroscience and everywhere that you try to keep it, you're you're bound to forget because short term memory, it's going to just stick it what it won't.

 What's relevant then is going to drop everything else. So get into a habit of putting pen to paper. Drew We have so many apps to help us in doing that. So if you don't spend in paper, you're finished. That's enough. That gives you information, that gives you wisdom saying, Am I on the right track? Do I need to pause?

 Do I need help? Simple. Three questions. I'm on the right track. Do I need to pause and review and do I really need help right now? And that gives you the next direction to where to go. If we sit in that mindset that I know it all goes any one to reach me, you're going to get stuck. Whether you have that openness to be a lifetime, know that I'm good in my what I do and I still need a coach to raise me up and have a look at me and tell me what.

 I'm not being good, but there are so many elements in my life that I'm not detached and let's surrender to an expert because then it makes your lesson and your journey like that. That's so easy. So first, second, get a mentor, and third, go within because  the outside is a clear manifesting of what's happening on the inside.

 If you don't change inside, nothing in your reality is going to change. And I can see that on your recording that that's a fact.


 Okay. I think I think we are running out of time. We just have 4 minutes, so I'll wind up the call. But then when we're going to have the next energy healing session.


 I will see you probably Saturday or Sunday. I'll meet you down here and then let's do your reading and see what's happening here.


 Let's meet on Saturday.  

Kim: -

Perfect. So thank you.


Thank you for joining the podcast today. So it's a lot of information that I think any human should have. And basically those who are in business, those who are in, you know, corporate life, it's so important to keep life very structured. And also, maybe as you as you mentioned, you know, unleash your energy potential, completely true to be capacity.


 The capacity of your soul. It's like when you function as a soul in the body, you have like this kind of crazy energy coming out and and it's so good. It's so good because you don't know how good you can be because we are just thinking about our past, our education in and what we've been doing. But then you surrendered your soul and say, okay, I'll train my body, I'll keep my mind chop. 

I'll do the work of teaching me. And you'll be surprised pleasantly at how life goes. That's like, wow. So bowwow.


 It's always, always awesome. Pleasure speaking to you, Kim. And  also thanks, Sylvia, for the introduction. We will  do one, like you said, made her maybe do a podcast the next day.


 You're absolutely 100% awesome then. Thank you very much.
